An Introduction to Ancient Astrology
Ancient astrological texts were not always easily accessible, but in the 1990s, a group of astrologers accidentally stumbled across dozens of Greek fragments. They collected these texts from libraries throughout Europe, but didn’t translate them. They called the effort “Project Hindsight” instead and modeled themselves after Renaissance intellectuals. The end result gives a far more complete view of the subject than any other. If you have any kind of inquiries concerning exactly where along with the best way to utilize astrology signs, you’ll be able to contact us on our own web site.
Platonic astrology
Platonic astrology has been the oldest known form. Plato, who extended the study of astronomy into astral piety, developed the theory. His theories were influential to many later astrological works. This article provides a brief introduction to the subject. The importance of this ancient system will be explained. The first step in understanding this ancient astrology is to understand what it was and how it developed.
Sun-sign astrology
In the 1980s, the Committee for Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal launched an anti-sun-sign astrology campaign. They asked US newspapers and magazines for permission to call their columns “entertainment” and asked apologists to deny their claims. About half of the population reads sunsign columns at least once per year, according to the results. The numbers declined significantly over time, with only 5% of Westerners reading a sun-sign columns regularly.
Transit astrology
If you have ever wondered what is it worth might happen if Jupiter entered Scorpio on October 10, you are in the right place. Transit astrology is a powerful way to make plans and work with the energies of the planets proactively. Many astrologers believe it is possible to avoid certain uncomfortable situations and make the most out of the many opportunities and challenges life has to present. You can read on to learn about the most important aspects in transit astrology.
Bardesanes, a Christian from Edessa was born in the ancient city. He is often grouped together with Marcion or Mani, three of the leading heretics. They were rebuked by the pagan princes of the city, who did not practice orthodoxy. Bardesanes Astrology had its own appeal. Bardesanes’ teachings have become very popular among Christians.
Transit horoscopes
A person’s natal chart may contain transit horoscopes that can provide valuable insight into the future. The transiting planet’s planetary motion, which is often a planet/axis, can provide clues as to the dominant themes you will encounter in your lifetime. Astrology calls the planets that are currently transiting “transits” and they can be used to help predict future events.
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