Children WHATSOEVER Saints Lutheran Church Participate In Blessing Of Letters To Congress

Children WHATSOEVER Saints Lutheran Church Participate In Blessing Of Letters To Congress

Note: This is actually the fourth in a string about the congregations and institutions in New Mexico that participated in the 2016 Offering of Letters. ON, MAY 1, Pastor Russ Sorensen, and several five children from the All Saints Lutheran Church congregation in Albuquerque offered a blessing over a container of 84 letters.

In these words, members of the congregation urged Reps. Michelle Lujan Grisham, Ben Ray Lujan and Steve Pearce, and Sens. Tom Martin and Udall Heinrich to to prioritize support for global maternal and child health programs, emphasizing nutrition. The involvement of the young children was a proper part of the blessing, especially in light of the topic for this year’s OL on maternal and child diet.

Karen Hyde, seat of the Community Outreach Committee whatsoever Saints Lutheran Church. For days gone by many years, organizers of the Offering of Letters at the church have used a clever but simple tool to inform the congregation about that year’s campaign: a skit. Before, the skit concentrated partly on the mechanics of the Offering of Letters as well as the issue.

This was the case in 2012 with the Earned Income Tax Credit, 2014 with the pressing issue of food aid reform and in 2015 with local child nutrition. My name is Margret Zimba. I am from Chimudomba, Zambia in Africa. Most family members here are subsistence farmers and during the hunger season in February and March before new crops are gathered and following the previous crops have run-out many of these households experience severe malnutrition.

I am a volunteer nutrition innovator from the Mawa program, run by Catholic Relief Services and funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development. I coach moms about good nutrition for children from being pregnant until age group 2-the first 1000 times in a child’s life. In today’s session the moms are being shown by me about the need for proteins.

We start the session with a tune that the women sing and dance to. We will have a food preparation demonstration Then. Through this hands-on learning, babies and mothers are on the road to a better, healthier life. I am Christina. I also live in the village of Chimudomba. Today I am participating in a group program for mothers of young children. I am learning how to grind up high-protein peanuts and black-eyed peas to add to the corn-based porridge I feed to my baby.

I also found that in Africa fifty percent of all children under 5 passes away because of malnutrition and craving for food. I do not need that for my child. These classes are liked by me taught by Zimba. Today we started with a song and then had a cooking demonstration. I am so happy that I am in a position to keep my baby well-fed and healthy because of help from the U.S. My name is Hellen Mbithi. I am from Ngai, an isolated community in Kenya.

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Unfortunately my village has not received any the help of the programs sponsored by the U.S. My town has a college, but it is falling down throughout the young children. Many of the families cannot earn enough to feed their children and send these to school. I was very fortunate. My parents sacrificed a great deal and sold everything they owned to send me to the primary college and then to high school and nurse’s training.

Through a special lottery I received green cards and could emigrate to the U.S. I put to borrow the money to cover the scheduled program. I passed the exam to have the ability to be a nurse in the U.S. I am employed in Albuquerque as an R here.N. Although I’ve a six-year old daughter to aid, I send as much money as you possibly can back again to my village in Kenya to help them raise enough to repair the school and build a clinic. I am hoping that my village will also be helped by the U.S.

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