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Second, how will these decisions be made? And third, how will decision making at lower levels be managed? The 3rd dilemma is the strain between element and process. In its simplest terms, this problem is the tension between working directly to get the right answer to a problem and working on the correct way of getting the answer.
It is the discord between your “what” and the “how” of making decisions. Confronted with any specific problem, a manager could choose to handle the element of the nagging problem – concentrating attention and work on data, analysis, and judgments that will help produce the right solution. Alternatively, the manager could choose to focus on process, a significantly different approach. Of concentrating on the right response to a problem Instead, the manager attempts to influence subordinates’ decisions by shaping the formal organizational systems and structures that form lots of the premises which decisions are based.
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Thus the supervisor pays attention to the planning, control, information, and payment systems that impact how others shall decide. This process emphasizes the way in which other folks gather information, conduct analysis, and reach conclusions. The manager could make no immediate effort to look for the answer to the nagging problem, specifying who will be responsible for dealing with it instead, the way they should proceed, and the objectives that should guide their decisions.
Of course, the supervisor also affects proper decisions by influencing the informal processes in a corporation – the beliefs, beliefs, assumptions and norms that impact decision-making behavior. This dilemma arises every time a supervisor anticipates a discord with or amongst others in the ongoing company. The problem is whether to take care of the issue through compromise or confrontation.
The discord can be over basic proper goals, allocation of resources, changes in organizational constructions and systems, tactical decisions, or minimal issues. Conflicts can occur from differences running a business view, from clashes between the interests of different useful areas, or from variations in values. When faced with a issue, managers have two broad alternatives.
One alternative is to confront the problem and the origins of the turmoil explicitly and to discover a way of resolving the problem that best serves the company’s interest. The fifth problem is the turmoil between tangible and intangible factors. In its conventional form, this dilemma is considered the pressure between short-term and long-term factors usually.
In part, this issue is the even-present pressure between the immediate opportunities and pressures for near-term financial performance, and the less tangible, less certain, and other subtle strategic factors of the faraway future. Common illustrations are curtailing of R&D, postponing of herb expansions, employee layoffs, short slashes on quality, and other cost-cutting efforts.
Choices lie these are difficult but common problems for managers. They are actually only a subcategory of the much broader Yet, more fundamental, and more pervasive issue – the strain between tangible and intangible factors in general management. Pressing, tangible pressures other involve dimensions of performance that are most readily quantifiable and measurable, such as current profitability, growth, or productivity. They can also involve the quest for self-interest: bonuses, promotions, prestige, security etc.
Similarly, specific operating problems that have to be addressed are often far less ambiguous than proper issues that require a leader to confront the uncertainties and complexities of the future. Among the greater intangible and subtle considerations are personal moral ideals, a company’s distributed values, its strategic vision, its cultural obligations, and differences in its constituents’ passions.