Deep Tones Of Highly Reflective Mica

Deep Tones Of Highly Reflective Mica

Pits, fissures and boring places, some granites show these characteristics more than others, and they can also be pretty much visible with respect to the lighting conditions within a room. Pits, fissures and dull areas do not compromise the integrity of the granite at all; they are natural characteristics and will not impair the function or toughness of the material.

They are a manifestation of nature. Product categories and classifications such as Granite, Marble, Travertine, Limestone, Quartzite, etc. derive from generally accepted industry approval. They don’t necessarily reflect the geological composition of the material. In many cases, these materials are technically made of a different geological makeup. For example, many stones are generally known as granites, but geologically, they are Charnockites actually, Polimitic Mataconglomerates, and some of other various different geological stones.

In addition, many stones commonly known as marble are geologically limestone. Products shown on the StoneTex, LLC website reflect the industry classification of products and do not necessarily reflect the geological composition. StoneTexas, LLC makes no representation or warranty of the geological structure of any rock. In addition, the category reflected on our website, should not neccesarily be utilized for customs classification.

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This close-up of our backyard spirea bush got a white ribbon. It had been thought by me looked like a miniature bridal bouquet. This photo of Randy got lots of “likes” on Facebook, but it didn’t get a ribbon. I love it still. Stafford County Economic Development sponsors a picture contest. Three of my six photos received an honorable talk about. One of these was the photo of Randy in the corn field (above). Another was also in a corn field, day of summer time at sunrise but it was used on the first. Both of those were entered in the “commerce” category.

Randy will need to have been my good luck appeal, since he was in all three of the winners. Not a huge surprise really. The one at the Stafford County Country Club golf course was entered in the “Places” category. I also moved into several books which i made for the girls in the web scrapbooking category.

Sometimes, I write blog posts about adventures with our granddaughters in rhyme. Later, I place the rhymes and photos in books and present a copy to each one of the women (and keep one for myself, of course). I don’t make quilts and I’m not particularly crafty. So these are my variations of family heirlooms on their behalf. I really like the Zoobilation absolutely! 2nd in the class.

Here’s the story in a blog post. It may not have been a banner year in the ribbon department, 12 months but I question it will deter me from entering next. My premium money didn’t begin to cover the cost of enlarging photos, buying matboard and special plastic bags. But it’s not about the money. It’s about being part of something bigger. If people don’t enter, there’s nothing to look at during the fair. And if there’s nothing to look at, nobody is going to come. And if no one comes, fairs will die.

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